
November 19, 2018

Click for Maths Worksheets


  1.  2 digit numbers
  2.  Things we know
  3.  Place value
  4.  Comparing and arranging
  5.  Addition and subtraction
  6.  Math Gym
  7.  Tables 1 to 5
  8.  Review Worksheet 1
  9.  3 digit numbers
  10.  Writing numbers 101 to 1000
  11.  Understanding 3 digit numbers
  12.  Place value of 3 digit numbers.
  13.  Comparing and arranging numbers
  14.  Math Gym
  15.  Tables 6, 7 and 8
  16.  Review Worksheet 2

Term 2

  1.  Addition and subtraction of 3 digit
  2. numbers(simple)
  3.  Carry over addition
  4.  Borrowing subtraction
  5.  Story Sums
  6.  Tables 9 and 10
  7.  Multiplication
  8.  Math Gym
  9.  Shapes
  10.  Time
  11.  Calendar
  12.  Tables 11 and 12

Click for Maths Worksheets

In SA I, we mostly brush up on what we learnt in Class 1. In SA II, we learn new topics and interesting ways of performing mathematics. Let your child master these topics and he’ll be ready for higher mathematics.

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