Why LittleMaths for Olympiads?

  • Olympiads are crucial in identifying a child’s caliber and potential that help him/her adapt and adjust in today’s world of high technology.

    Olympiads are the way in which students gauge themselves and identify areas of improvement with respect to analytical, reasoning and problem tackling skills.

    We at LittleMaths aim to provide the best understanding of an olympiad by means of model olympiad exams. This helps a student get acquainted with the exam and its pattern, thereby making him/her prepared for the actual olympiad. We at LittleMaths, recommend you to let your child first take up mock exams before making him/her taking up real exams. This ensures preparedness and also boosts confidence in children.

    Comprehensive Summary of various Olympiads that you need to be aware of. You can choose the most suitable ones for your kids. We suggest not to push your kids too much into this, but select one or two at most. LittleMaths provide model exams for Maths Olympiads.

    NCO – National Cyber Olympiad (Class 1-12)
    NSO – National Science Olympiad (Class 1-12)
    IMO – International Maths Olympiad (Class 1-12)
    IEO -International English Olympiad (Class 1-12)
    iiO – International Informatics Olympiad (Class 1-12)
    iOM – international Olympiad of Mathematics (Class 1-12)
    iOS – international Olympiad of Science (Class 1-12)
    iOEL – international Olympiad of English language (Class 1-12)
    iFLO – international Olympiad of French language (Class 6-10)
    SKGKO – Smart Kid General Knowledge Olympiad (Class 1-10)
    iCGC – International Computer Graphics Championship (Class 3-12)
    iTHO – International Talent Hunt Olympiad (Class 1-10)
    ABHO: Akhil Bharatiya Hindi Olympiad (Class 3-10)
    NIMO: National Interactive Maths Olympiad (Class 1-12)
    NBTO: National Biotechnology Olympiad (Class 1-12)
    GeoGenius: Indian Geography Olympiad (Class 2-10)
    IGKO: International General Knowledge Olympiad- (Class 1-10)
    UCO: Unified Cyber Olympiad ( Class 2-12)
    iRAO: international Reasoning and Aptitude Olympiad (Class 6-12)
    iSSO: international Social Studies Olympiad (Class 3-10)
    ZIO: Zonal Informatics Olympiad
    RMO: Regional Mathematics Olympiad (Class 9-12)