UKG Syllabus and Worksheets

  • UKG Practice worksheets

  • The syllabus can be followed by kids in  India, USA, Canada, UK and Middle East.

    UKG Mathematics Syllabus

    Chapter 1: Count and Write Numbers 0 to 5
    1.1 Model and Count 1 and 2
    1.2 Understand and Write 1 and 2
    1.3 Model and Count 3 , 4 and 5
    1.4 Understand and Write 3, 4 and 5
    1.5 The Concept of Zero
    1.4 Count and Order Numbers to 5

    Chapter 2: Count and Write Numbers 6 to 10
    2.1 Model and Count 6
    2.2 Understand and Write 6
    2.3 Model and Count 7
    2.4 Understand and Write 7
    2.5 Model and Count 8
    2.6 Understand and Write 8
    2.7 Model and Count 9
    2.8 Understand and Write 9
    2.9 Model and Count 10
    2.10 Understand and Write 10
    2.11 Count and Order Numbers to 10

    Chapter 3: Compare Numbers 0 to 5
    3.1 Equal Groups
    3.2 Greater Than
    3.3 Less Than
    3.4 Compare Groups to 5 by Counting
    3.5 Compare Numbers to 5

    Chapter 4: Compare Numbers to 10
    4.1 Compare Groups to 10 by Matching
    4.2 Compare Groups to 10 by Counting
    4.3 Compare Numbers to 10
    4.4 Identify Objects into different groups
    4.5 Classify and Compare by Counting

    Chapter 5: Composing and Decomposing Numbers to 10
    5.1 Composing and Decomposing 5
    5.2 Composing and Decomposing 6
    5.3 Composing and Decomposing 7
    5.4 Composing and Decomposing 8
    5.5 Composing and Decomposing 9
    5.6 Composing and Decomposing 10
    5.7 Composing and Decomposing Using a Group of 5
    5.8 Completing pattern up to 10

    Chapter 6: Adding Numbers up to 10
    6.1 Simple addition using objects
    6.2 Addition: Add To make 5
    6.3 Addition: Put Together
    6.4 Addition: Partner Numbers
    6.5 Addition Number Patterns
    6.6 Addition word problems
    6.7 Use a Group of 5 to Add
    6.8 Add to Make 10

    Chapter 7: Subtract Numbers Within 10
    7.1 Simple subtraction using objects
    7.2 Subtraction: Take From
    7.3 Subtraction: Take Apart
    7.4 Subtraction Number Patterns
    7.5 Use a Group of 5 to Subtract

    Chapter 8: Representation of numbers 11 to 19
    8.1 Identify Groups of 10
    8.2 Count and Write 11 and 12
    8.3 Understand 11 and 12
    8.4 Count and Write 13 and 14
    8.5 Understand 13 and 14
    8.6 Count and Write 15
    8.7 Understand 15
    8.8 Count and Write 16 and 17
    8.9 Understand 16 and 17
    8.10 Count and Write 18 and 19
    8.11 Understand 18 and 19

    Chapter 9: Count and Compare Numbers to 20
    9.1 Model and Count 20
    9.2 Count and Write 20
    9.3 Count to Find How Many
    9.4 Count Forward from Any Number to 20
    9.5 Order Numbers to 20
    9.6 Compare Numbers to 20
    9.7 What comes before and after
    9.8 What comes between numbers

    Chapter 10: Count and write up to 100
    10.1 Count to 30 by Ones
    10.2 Count to 50 by Ones
    10.3 Count to 100 by Ones
    10.4 Count to 100 by Tens
    10.5 Count by Tens and Ones
    10.6 Count by Tens from a Number
    10.7 Write in figure up to 100
    10.8 Write in word up to 100

    Chapter 11: Identify Two-Dimensional Shapes
    11.1 Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes
    11.2 Triangles
    11.3 Rectangles
    11.4 Squares
    11.5 Hexagons and Circles
    11.6 Join Two-Dimensional Shapes
    11.7 Build Two-Dimensional Shapes

    Chapter 12: Identify Three-Dimensional Shapes and Positions
    12.1 Two- and Three-Dimensional Shapes
    12.2 Describe Three-Dimensional Shapes
    12.3 Cubes and Spheres
    12.4 Cones and Cylinders
    12.5 Build Three-Dimensional Shapes
    12.6 Positions of Solid Shapes

    Chapter 13: Measure and Compare Objects
    13.1 Compare Heights
    13.2 Compare Lengths
    13.3 Use Numbers to Compare Lengths
    13.4 Compare Weights
    13.5 Use Numbers to Compare Weights
    13.6 Hot and cold
    13.7 Describe Objects by Attributes
    13.9 Near and far
    13.10 Quantity
    13.11 Ascending and descending order

    Chapter 14: Missing numbers
    14.1 Fill missing numbers 1 to 20
    14.2 Fill missing numbers 1 to 50
    14.3 Recognition of missing numbers in 1 to 100
    14.4 Continue number pattern

    Chapter 15: Logical thinking – Patterns with shapes
    15.1 Complete pattern with shapes
    15.2 Recognize odd shape in a pattern
    15.3 Fill a missing object in a pattern
    15.4 Recognize odd object in a pattern

    Chapter 16: General topics
    16.1 Counting money
    16.2 Checking Time

  • English – Reading and Writing

    • Pre-Writing Strokes
      Standing line
      Sleeping line
      Left Slanting line
      Right Slanting line
      Left Curve
      Right Curve
      Up Curve
      Down Curve
    • Alphabets and Basic Grammar

      Identification of alphabets using objects
      Objects related to each letter
      Small Letters & Capital Letters
      Matching capital and small letters
      Vowel words
      Consonants words
      Phonic Drill
      Listening skills – playing audio – identify objects
      Rhyming words to improve listening skills
      ​Differentiate between gender and pairing​

    Environmental Science

    Good habits and manners
    Parts and organs of the body and their use.
    Common objects with missing parts ( like a wheel of a cycle). 
    Awareness about the environment through a picnic
    Time reading from a clock or watch
    Week days
    Calendar reading
    Understanding of the concept of time by explaining weeks, months and year.

    General Awareness

    • About Me
      My Body Parts
      My Family
      My Birthday
      My Home
      My School
    • Safety
      At home
      On the road
      At the Playground
    • Animals
    • People
      Security Guard

    General Knowledge questions for Kids